Christina Wechsel

Expert for big changes in life

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Christina Wechsel

Christina Wech­sel

Expert for big changes in life

„If we go our own way with heart and soul, our pos­si­bil­i­ties become lim­it­less.”

Within a year, Christina loses her mother to can­cer, her leg and her best friend in a seri­ous car acci­dent in the Aus­tralian out­back. Giv­ing up was not an option, with an irre­press­ible will and a large por­tion of courage to live she fought her way back to life badly injured. Just one year later she climbed steep rock faces, hiked through the Alps, swam through Lake Zurich and skied on one leg. Her mes­sage: There is no HIN­DERUNG, the only HIN­DERUNG is our head! It is our thoughts and lim­its that we set for our­selves.

Christina shows in her very spe­cial way that the pos­si­bil­i­ties can be lim­it­less if you go your own way with pas­sion and pas­sion and make your dreams come true.

In her lec­tures she touches peo­ple authen­ti­cally with an open heart, light humour and no mask. She shows that fate can be seen as an oppor­tu­nity. Who­ever expe­ri­ences Christina can no longer go around, after set­backs, com­ing back to his own strength and want­ing to make his dreams come true.

Today Christina accom­pa­nies and treats peo­ple as a natur­opath with her own nat­ural heal­ing prac­tice. Her treat­ment focuses on the holis­tic view of body, soul and spirit. Christina’s main con­cern is to cre­ate a last­ing, sta­ble health as well as the great­est pos­si­ble well-​​being on all lev­els.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Change, Health, Motivation